Sunday, 6 February 2011

The London Protests - BU students witness journalist creating the headlines

November 15th 2010

Paul (back, left) and Katie (front, right) protesting in London

As students across the UK face criticism for the education protests last week, two young people from Bournemouth University reveal that the militant action was in no way limited to their peers.

Paul Taylor,who is 18 and studying Sports Management, explains his suspicions that a professional journalist contributed to the violence at the Conservative Party Headquarters.

"There were photographers all around him," Paul explains, "no demonstrators."

Describing the journalist’s alleged involvement, Paul continues, “he put on a balaclava [and] was kicking the window.”

"The people who we asked said he was a reporter – just doing it for the picture.”

Photgraphs of the event have shown extensive damage caused by the militant behaviour, from smashed windows and graffiti to ceilings being torn down.

Katie Denise Roberts, studying Forensic Science, says fires were started using abandoned placards from the earlier demonstration.

The twenty-one-year-old narrowly avoided injury when a ball of fire “skimmed” past her face.

Neither Katie nor Paul participated in the violent action, explaining that they feel it detracted from the real issues of the demonstration. 

Paul adds that the militancy “wasn’t what the protest was all about,” despite its national coverage in the press.

He continues, discussing the heart of the matter, by saying that “university should not be about the money that you have.”

Katie agrees and - in light of the proposed increases to the cost of higher education – she adds, “I was there for future generations, for my little sister”

Both students had walked the peaceful protest route around Westminster prior to witnessing the outbreak of violent behaviour.

Paul says, "I lost my voice from chanting!"

Three coaches of students from Bournemouth University attended the demonstration on November 10th, where over 50,000 people protested against the rise of University tuition fees.

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